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[Attention] 【08.07.01】【Serial】Naked Diamond (3B)

发表于 2008-7-1 00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Please see 3A at (click): 08.06.30】【Serial】Naked Diamond (3A)% u8 n. n* C7 n* q* s5 ?
                     Naked Diamond
% k5 L+ Z( h6 a! r
        I called a taxi, 5 to 5 I was at the entrance. I felt a little uncomfortable waiting in an open place stared by those with dirty minds. I was hesitating to ring him or not.
, o% y# u7 A+ O& h        Two minutes later, the gate was pushed open, and someone very good looking, sexy and hot came out with vigorous strides. I didn’t recognize him at the first moment. He kept looking at me and I noticed he’s wearing white T-shirt and jeans. He looked very different from the picture he sent me through QQ, which was taken in a studio when he was wearing suits and looked quite mature than his real age. He looked fresh, clean, and energetic. 3 f; v* o7 S/ P% P
        After about 2 seconds eye contact, he broke the silence first. # f0 I7 w" {* Z! n& |0 R
% e$ \7 u& k3 C5 N, d      “Amy?” 5 M( P: n* W/ O3 \9 F% \' H
      “Tik?” 7 \) A. K* k7 j! g: o2 z! W
      “Nice to see you!”
' ^9 V9 o. Q) b& \$ [2 P4 B      “Nice to see you too!”
; s0 I4 v  }2 q& R6 A9 k  
4 Z# u0 ]0 i! l/ w' P        Having decided to have dinner in XinTianDi[2], we got into a taxi. He sat beside me with a smile on the corners of his mouth. His arms and legs were unselfconsciously open occupying 2/3 of the back seat. I started observing him slinkingly.
; ~5 W3 x' W' r# E  w; _( X        His eyes are pretty big, double lines, long eyelashes, sapiential and incisively focused like spotlight, hiding behind a pair of stylish glasses. His nose and mouth are big and firm. His teeth are gleaming white and trim. Simple natural short hair without any jelly. He has perfectly shaped face, wide shoulder and chest, brawny arms and legs, big hands with long and tough fingers, and big feet. He speaks not loud, but calmly and steadily. His sexy tang was aggressively conquering my every sensory cell irresistibly, totally shaking my foundation. 6 P9 _. m! s; M# q" q6 R; i2 t3 |
        I was shamed by my nearly lost mind and warning myself: he had got a girlfriend, do not be ridiculous, calm down, easy, relax. The most embarrassing thing is divulging your secret emotion to a guy that is not interested in you or just wants to play with you. Who first divulges the secret, who loses the control of the game.
. _! q& c9 R9 b+ m- a$ e9 h/ P  
( o5 W/ _* Y+ r2 X7 ^    “So, how much do you score me?” He broke the silence. 4 E- Y; }; ?* X& @
    “Mm… 90 out of 100.” I thought it was a pretty high score.
( Q+ q7 `4 W( V- \2 D    “Only? I thought I was 100.” He’s overconfident, or just kidding?
2 I0 z( t1 n. D: b7 L: M    “How much you score me?” Change subject.
: w* r  X- w8 Y7 b/ @0 F! i    “102 out of 100!” Although I knew he was just giving compliments, but I still felt very sweet like just had some honey.$ e' A( t# l' A9 I
    “Really! Ok, I’ve changed my mind. I give you 98!” I didn’t want to make him feel too good, in order to impassion his desire to conquer me.
6 S9 c- P" e; ?; |- L    “Still?” He sounded a bit disappointed and embarrassed. His face turned into unnoticeably red.- w  r$ x( v3 U/ v
    “You are really confident, aren’t you!” Ha-ha, game started.4 v4 W! k7 I/ _/ G  v
3 r( O+ V8 ]0 J4 d/ f        It was a Europe style restaurant. Two foreigners were performing dirty jokes on the stage. I was a little embarrassed. Tik just had a quick small laugh and ignored it. That relaxed me. We had some wine, chatted about our interests and life styles, his experience, his girl friend and even horoscope. I was very careful not to offend him when a topic related to his private life. But he was quite frank and talked about everything without any reluctance.
" S  z0 ~& ^1 S* ^8 W+ M5 K  
2 V9 A0 i. q6 Q/ _) W- P% @# w    “Did I tell you my parents have passed away?” I was surprised that he started this topic himself, which I didn’t dare to dig too much.
" P  e& u! j6 H4 V3 {4 |    “Yeah, you mentioned before.” I still didn’t want to show too much curiosity., X8 q  `' a) {: J- c' P; G; d4 X
    “My mum committed suicide when I was 8. She couldn’t forgive my dad once had been unfaithful to her. She drank a whole bottle of rat poison.” He said calmly like telling other people’s story. “My father was deeply stricken and felt unbearably guilty. He became very depressed and never married again. All his life’s meaning became raising us three kids. He thought that’s his responsibility to my mum.“ He stopped and kissed the cup. “When I was 28, he drank a whole bottle of rat poison on my mum’s death day.” * R4 x4 `  N; o' N& {& @
    “Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. It must’ve had a big impact on your life. Do you have any psychological problem from that? Like scared of marriage or commitment?” $ g- C: L# g5 y, Y! e# I% i1 c
    “I’ve been to the psychologist and I seem to be fine. When I used to live with Tina, everything looked ok as well.” / k0 _/ W2 l" C9 p6 ]( ]' T" D
    “Did I tell you why we had separated?”
" V; b% P# D- S# f( K! t+ O    “Yes you did. Her mum went to your place and raised hell.”
/ f+ R7 @8 w0 O    “He-he…The time she will spend with me will be much longer than the time she will spend with her parents.” ' G4 _! e5 G- t% S: P9 ~7 Y4 Y
    “You are very sane and wise. Do you feel lonely sometimes, I mean you are on your own most of the time?” ( E9 K5 {. ?& \& a9 d
    “Usually I’m fine, but once I was sick and had very high fever, I really felt awful and lonely.” " C: H' e  H- Z' \- ^2 E
    “Did Tina look after you?” 3 t7 k7 P, Y! I+ D# s% P: k
    “No, my sister did.” 9 ?; O4 t/ A8 C7 x
    “I thought Tina’s really nice to you, why she left you alone when you need her?”
0 N3 j* R; L. }- _# R# r$ d1 E    “…” He opened his mouth, but didn’t say anything.
0 W8 z5 B- C! ^; {        I felt a little guilty. Because I didn’t tell him I was married.
- b8 \' d" @$ g$ q) r/ Y  ! v6 B5 u( k' L. [% g  |# G: @0 [
        A wonderful enjoyable time always goes by too fast. Unconsciously, it’s nearly 22:30. I really wanted to stay longer with him, but considering that’s the first time we met, I asked to go home. He agreed and paid the bill. ' U  [$ c- f! \5 R9 G5 f/ B  @
& p1 S4 j: g3 y+ K" N2 T        The taxi stopped in front of my flat. He asked me out for the next day if I would be free. Of course. I was just expecting that.
" T! w* i0 ^: s* M        I got off the taxi, cheerfully walking towards my flat. I could feel he’s watching me in the moving taxi. , h+ w% ~$ e: J+ r: |- N4 J
1 |2 T9 E6 P8 N* l* H5 F1 m
        It wasn’t our intention to date each other (at least it wasn’t mine), but we behaved like a couple in love. Maybe it was the subconsciousness manipulated our body languages and our eyes betrayed our secrets, although I was exerting myself to pretend normal. I guess he was the same. I warned myself again: We are just friends! Don’t do stupid things! 8 X' _- N0 V$ K5 r# T6 c
        Well, if I wanted something to happen, I could, as usual. But there wouldn’t be any friendship between us afterwards and we would just be strangers to each other. He would definitely think I did so because I was after his money, therefore he would look down on me. I didn’t want it happen like that. At least I wanted to keep him as a friend.
3 U- x5 {/ I0 q! u2 u5 H2 M        I felt somehow disconsolate and regretful. For he had already got a girlfriend? For I was married too early? For I might lose him after telling him the truth? + u) b. c6 t' \5 ^

3 a) L% U! v) V
" o2 Z2 Z! l& Z* m4 H) I4 u& j
[2] XinTianDi means ‘new world’, which located in French Road, where lots of pubs, restaurants and stylish shops are, “a place where the old meets new, east meet west, tradition meets inspiration, culture meets excitement, where yesterday meets tomorrow in Shanghai today”.
* b: s6 r1 w; |: J' w: J7 X; A
Please see 4A at (click): 【08.07.04】【Serial】Naked Diamond (4A)
$ z) m" Q1 _9 {4 |* n' o* K# u. G8 n2 O" B5 v
                  & z6 b8 m! X: }0 h

6 O5 \5 C& Z8 S& h$ A8 T[ 本帖最后由 helendai 于 2008-7-4 12:54 编辑 ]


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发表于 2008-7-1 00:14 | 显示全部楼层
I was about  to log out and suddenly saw your post.
4 P9 F! f6 ]. E$ a' cLike it more and more.
& ?/ r! I3 M) a' u$ s2 P5 rIt really make me blue that meeting the right guy at the wrong time
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-1 00:19 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Cherrylin 于 2008-7-1 00:14 发表
- E8 H1 d; d7 T' ]) o# f' mI was about  to log out and suddenly saw your post.
/ U7 s8 m6 H& M) }( D# F( bLike it more and more.
; H# J2 I- b, x6 z3 M3 XIt really make me blue that meeting the right guy at the wrong time
) u0 n0 I# c' b/ j$ e  v) X
( v/ f; \) y4 S! w
probably he's just not the right guy though~~~~~~but you don't realise at the beginning usually~~~~~~it takes time until you realise that~~~~~long time~~~~maybe years~~~maybe decades~~~~
发表于 2008-7-1 00:30 | 显示全部楼层
To be honest with u, i have to confess that i have never considered to marry someone, 'cause i have pessimistic view of Love. Everytime i see tragic love story,  once again it confirms my concept of love.+ ^* g0 h! ~$ O- d- F
So maybe u r right, i don't  realize the natural meaning of love till now.* G; D/ W; U4 U3 U% \+ k; ^. W
maybe in the near future, maybe never.
% L6 u3 _6 U0 o' J& g6 x1 P3 D% `# A" P% I8 g. e1 D
[ 本帖最后由 Cherrylin 于 2008-7-1 00:31 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-1 00:40 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Cherrylin 于 2008-7-1 00:30 发表
% i: j. Q6 N, F' [To be honest with u, i have to confess that i have never considered to marry someone, 'cause i have pessimistic view of Love. Everytime i see tragic love story,  once again it confirms my concept of l ...
- r5 M# ]8 \' z
) p  L- K+ r6 ^4 I+ c' e
5 k/ \* Q/ v1 y0 _. d! s# ^
me neighter~~~~that's why still not married~~~~~
: y6 W8 J% `( s: EIt's all fate after all~~~~~~that's why they say clever women poor love~~~~because they are too clever and easily see through men~~~~~sometimes you just need to play a little slow and foolish~~~~open one eye and shut the other~~~~~because i cannot stand loneliness~~~~~so you have to accept the whole package~~~~~:) / B5 l3 a) P% [/ i1 y7 _& `, Q
* l9 J6 J1 |; x
[ 本帖最后由 helendai 于 2008-7-1 00:44 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-7-12 16:45 | 显示全部楼层
It's somewhat serious to talk about the concept of love. I personally have no splendid loving experiences, but I am still satisfied about my present family life.  For those who have lovers but are afraid of marriage, I'd like to say nobody is perfect. Maybe clever women can perceive men easily thus have poor love, but if just because of this, the lady gives up the process of loving someone or being loved by someone, even to the degree of eluding from marriage, she will probably lose the opportunity to experience more from life. It is true that the feeling of love is stronger than being involved in daily routines after marriage. But honestly speaking, life after marriage is also full of happiness. The secret lies in mutual understanding, tolerance, responsiblity and so on. Shortly after necessary adjustment in marriage, one may find he or she become more mature.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-13 02:31 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 lily_zl 于 2008-7-12 16:45 发表
+ B# r  @6 _+ H7 ~4 F  dIt's somewhat serious to talk about the concept of love. I personally have no splendid loving experiences, but I am still satisfied about my present family life.  For those who have lovers but are afr ...

( H" R. P! a, h
3 _4 z4 b* D8 D" TYou might be right~~~ someone told me that  a good couple must grow together. ~~~I totally agree with "the lady gives up the process of loving someone or being loved by someone, even to the degree of eluding from marriage, she will probably lose the opportunity to experience more from life". That's why the conflit begins. Otherwise, we would certainly enjoy the single status without any doulbt or regret.
发表于 2008-7-29 18:41 | 显示全部楼层
没有译文吗  it  is  too  diffcuilt
发表于 2008-10-14 15:20 | 显示全部楼层
好长哦!It's so difficult to me
发表于 2008-10-21 19:11 | 显示全部楼层
Love?I never think we can find real love,real love you can just find in movies、novel or tv series .
% E- a& _; `1 y0 [5 \' {In real world ,we get married not because of love ,but other reasons ,money……
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