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【09.10.01】经典好音乐 That place in your heart

发表于 2009-10-1 23:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

* K! K& x- A' y) \: K5 \3 U( \! J3 j
3 E: X# U+ M+ w$ C2 c% z起Carol Kidd2001年出版的专辑,名字就叫“A Place in My Heart“。 - V# `7 [, ?1 b: L! i6 l5 d
当然,这首歌和蓝调爵士一点关系也没有,Leslie Dowdall和Carol Kidd也没有任何瓜葛。
: O) \/ m7 \+ c“That Place in Your Heart“ 可以说是这张专辑最引人注目的一首歌曲,简洁的伴奏,更突出了Leslie Dowdall天使般美妙的声线,温柔的声音却是在向大家提出一个千百年来的问题“Why can’t we live as one“?
2 ^9 e" O2 Y. b) r这是渴望和平的人们在如今战火纷飞的世道对大同世界的一种向往。Leslie Dowdall可以说是90年代著名的Celtic摇滚乐队Tua Nua解散之后依旧长盛不衰的歌手,她与Paul Brennan (Clannad)以及Ronan Hardiman一起将Celtic音乐推向了世界。97年,Leslie Dowdall荣膺Heineken/Hotpress Music Awards最佳女歌手奖,首张处女作No Guilt No Guile (Grapevine (Ireland) GRA CD220, 1997) 至今仍为乐迷们津津乐道。第二张专辑Out There (LD Records (Ireland) LD CD 1006, 1998) 确立了爱尔兰当家女歌手的独一无二的地位。
4 n$ d: o" {3 i

2 K" Q- M' D+ }3 Q- G  r
8 W$ d" v/ X8 m
) J$ ~$ h4 t4 x: l3 y8 |+ a+ O  N 3 J2 \( S; Q+ q
That Place In Your Heart % Z# {6 F/ J- k% k0 y0 c3 X' U
---Ronan Hardiman + ?/ ^! f; d: O3 b
Walk with me,
( g! X; @: F- b! tBreak some breath here with me
, h1 V+ V% o% o. t& sHelp on me, who I can too let with me # x1 H2 _4 j. k5 u; `3 k9 U
Who are you
6 e/ M2 T( j' n$ _- u7 PWhat did I do to you
4 ?' ~; o2 @; B, K% X" H) eWish on you, who I can tie live with you & P  F' ]/ p/ z* Z& b( S
We are all more the same than we separate
' U- u6 L' |6 Y- j* @" F) iThen the world is far apart 7 \4 x8 L8 v& a$ t: ?
Plane returns too late
8 e" Z/ q/ L- f& S0 p, H& H) g* MWe can knock on template 6 e; x+ P7 j: o& Z( u* S' C5 x% L
Afar apart we are 7 Q8 ~% G4 A, a; h- T$ j# _- m
There is always someway to the place in your heart
- n6 r( F( R5 e4 u- tHated one, just put down your gun
8 G% L2 ]- l  e& l( kDone is done, why can't we live with one
3 U; I9 ?( q8 b. hFeel the shame   t/ o5 ]3 H4 v' t7 H# d, a
The air we breathe is the same & C' z" r9 P* N# l' ^1 w
Heal the pain, why do we live the day
7 Z) [5 R8 @; ?0 p2 E2 N7 \: p/ F$ iWe are all more the same than we separate ; e/ B% ~! F+ {
And the world is far apart ' y) Z/ p/ W) s1 G( \$ B
Plane returns too late
$ W$ m8 l  i1 D7 ]5 Y. gWe can knock on template
! {8 H7 c6 W. F# h0 zAfar apart we are   R7 x8 ~# y/ {
There is always someway to the place in your heart 8 e/ p# Q; X' r% R. e, E: \
In your heart, in your hear,
* ]/ W7 N0 z& K( @! S/ d: sIn your heart ! I+ N( C" {  B8 j# T& C( y
There is always someway in your heart & q( V  |, K8 c/ c( h2 t/ Q
Dum Dums: Hole In Your Heart
+ l, P" L- Q; m- v- @+ Y3 T" YAlbum:It Goes Without Saying
3 j0 ~4 P% Y, @Title:Hole In Your Heart
8 t- y/ E/ |' Q. M/ gWanted an airbrushed blonde with gorgeous teeth 1 M. T7 J6 n' `! @$ G( ]
ended up with the girl at the end of the street ( N- V5 x* v# J. `6 ?2 W/ V0 w
oh yeah - U$ Y( ?3 y4 o1 G
Making out in his car at three in the morning
& L" @  x' t& A& R- z- s5 Btook it as a sign that he wanted more
2 E2 Z$ o2 r. z  loh yeah ( x7 v4 B/ M0 S6 a* [7 p6 _
Oh, before you go all the way you gotta ask yourself will you love him when
+ H( u& q* v' h" c! e/ ~% L/ Zthe moments gone?
7 O( \8 \( [/ j0 G  ~+ {0 HBefore you go all the way you gotta ask yourself and see ; T; m/ g3 ~' C  \- ?  l  [1 X" g
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah 4 g0 n  Y' ~5 k0 ~& @" C$ X
If you were to fill the hole - M3 u$ {( S* z. A- N" F$ L2 t
fire away your heart
* h5 c/ C) W) A* H4 X5 Ifire away your heart yeah * b" M  i$ o' B9 U" D6 i# g
you'll regret the things you've done - t- r+ N) {- e& o/ G, l- n
fire away your heart   X* j$ a, t" o- Q( R
fire away your heart now 8 A% f! [5 x6 y7 U2 v+ m( T$ k. I
She was a girl he loved, he really loved 8 V3 v9 w8 }' i% {
she's a stupid cow and he hates her now
4 m  d5 d3 X2 e, u) ~7 \( X+ `oh yeah ) ~6 @# {- R% N# r2 ?* ]
looking at his watch waiting for his date + \( m4 R' s1 H& T( o- M( z
it's two weeks late and he can't think straight $ h7 c' m$ _) D- f  l9 ?
oh yeah
- X5 m3 g8 i) C% W4 q" T. HOh, before you go all the way you gotta ask yourself will you love him when 7 I1 M* U; l: w* p5 J' \
the moments gone?
6 d; g3 r2 w0 oBefore you go all the way you gotta ask yourself and see ! C; O( E! g/ m, Q" ~
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
+ s9 V4 F+ [5 I% d, _If you were to fill the hole ' r; X( K. s8 j7 b
fire away your heart * Y; F' Y2 R- ?3 N: r7 j3 {3 a
fire away your heart yeah
+ s. T" I- p" O+ {9 X) a. d/ X1 U  Q: hyou'll regret the things you've done
$ t) {: J/ Y# r9 C5 yfire away your heart . z" {! J' s# {; @6 U* w: v/ c
fire away your heart now 6 m5 I( u6 K' d( o- g. f' W. t5 H
You got to set your heart for love ' G/ k3 W( C4 X6 M1 C; Z
set your heart for love " g! }$ I( @4 g. |9 `  N: N
You got to set your heart for love ' {( j! \# a* w) `; S& ]' N1 {
just set your heart for love
# n0 u$ ~) x/ b: M& yyeah, yeah, yeah, yeah # ^! Q+ O7 {  r) P& W+ z2 P# |
If you were to fill the hole , }; z7 \. s1 [! q" K0 Q5 a
fire away your heart
3 q; p' ]1 K& }$ S# H1 R, ifire away your heart yeah ) I4 w! B/ E/ M
you'll regret the things you've done ' G% r, r& h6 H% w5 O6 S
fire away your heart
0 m7 `' L1 [! f; x- j. ufire away your heart now X2
& l2 q2 \; a: k8 Y; k+ F8 G% N翻译歌词
2 ~& G. _0 S" Q& n% k1 V5 mwalk with me和我同行 : }/ E7 q' v6 d
break some bread here with me 来这分给我一些面包 ( a9 w% U" |8 {/ L+ q- J3 g5 F
Enemy 敌人
, f& p" q) |' M- r# HWhy can’t you live with me? 为什么你不可以和我一起居住? ( y4 V, O% u1 A/ \1 O
Who are you? 您是谁?
8 X# t  q3 N5 P% v& [what did i do to you? 我给你做了什么?
$ t5 M2 P. F! J% m6 ?- HWish i knew 我想知道
- y- R  A7 @# S. G) r4 M$ q" {" BWhy can’t i live with you? 为什么我不可以与你居住?
# Y  l: L7 B* r; H+ e- G5 NWe are all born the same 我们一起来到 $ a* l& u( k# H* Q2 e" ^" \4 J
Then we separate然后我们分开
7 b- O9 |# X& O! M$ n. aThen the world falls apart 世人也开始分离 5 u# P. x" T  b. f2 T
and blame turns to hate 进而责备变成了仇恨 $ u4 e% G) C; z
we must not contemplate我们不必考虑 ! O  M$ A* n, T1 s
how far apart we are我们分开多远 , f0 Z" ~, T+ _8 `
there is always a way 总有条路 (总有个办法)
5 X$ X, |0 ?4 W0 X3 O& \to that place in your heart. 到你内心深处的那个地方。
7 a6 u6 @5 k+ p( e" k8 W# x- IHated one 被恨的人 " \- X$ |+ \6 U' x
Just put down your gun 该放下您的枪
: x& w- s: ]4 tdone is done 做你该做的
: ^  x  U/ N' X' V, [5 X9 i% \why can’t we live as one? 为什么我们不能生活在一起? ( y1 C! g+ l9 T. n& D' Y% j8 @7 G/ u
feel no shame 不要感觉羞辱 % v* r; Z! J8 f; W
the air we breath is the same 我们呼吸一样的空气
- P, e' M0 V/ Y/ H( \6 zheal the pain 愈合痛苦
& t1 Z7 R( \/ s1 V/ lwhy do we live in vain?为什么我们生活在虚荣中
. f  P8 H7 M& y# g3 a7 TWe are all born the same 我们出生都一样 ' `, ^" q  ~: @
Then we seperate 然后我们分开 ) I3 G; A4 \& c  N& b# R. ]1 C" n
Then the world falls apart 世人也开始分离 / W% ?8 R9 r% ?
and blame turns to hate 进而责备变成了仇恨 " f1 n- L/ i7 U( N+ L( t+ c/ o
we must not contemplate 我们不必考虑 4 C* Z1 f) A) b3 N
how far apart we are 我们分开多远
/ l3 v$ `3 W" F1 h, O7 kthere is always a way 总有条路 (总有个办法) / K: G1 H3 @) S0 x# Y; f; m
to that place in your heart 到你内心深处的那个地方。
发表于 2009-10-1 23:19 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-10-1 23:55 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-10-2 00:23 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-10-2 04:47 | 显示全部楼层
  b8 e! ]9 b3 w& J# ohttp://wztx.6621.cn/music/32880e5b6e602d26.html
发表于 2009-10-2 10:16 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-10-2 22:49 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 囡囡 于 2009-10-2 22:52 编辑
3 V) @3 F9 t) x+ N7 m+ F
* I: E9 A5 E( E2 |" R. I0 [* F谢谢分享!
发表于 2009-10-3 00:34 | 显示全部楼层
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