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[Attention] 【09.04.22】 To p’tik----The first anniversary

发表于 2009-4-22 12:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[size=150%]2008.4.22 – 2009.4.22, for me, this is a very important year, because we know you in that day.so,something was happened. 1 b7 m. ~& I( k4 ^
. T, X: ^+ [* V" Z- z, ]

2 E% h* ]' @5 h0 O  ]* T$ h" L7 M& d& u
If we say that we know you from“Anotai”, then in the end, we fell in love with the real you. Because you are not someone else——You are unique,nothing can replace you. 6 H( n" u9 |. t1 s  U* i$ M- c

) k$ ?; Y+ _+ B7 L$ \
, I/ X) [8 f  W: p) ~
. j; \' n" V. l" @# W% nWe presided over the collection of every issue of your program---Navigator, maybe you will never know, Broadcast in each moment, there are so many people in faraway places await the appearance of you, In the forest you are so natural and real, like an old friend of many years no see, Share with us where you went, what you experienced….. God knows more than we like to watch the way of you work seriously in nature~ ( D$ x8 u( V0 [) T

& o$ G8 H5 E% y' k' q' b( ~; m$ K6 y* X5 S

/ U6 t1 K3 F5 c! b+ }4 D! aWe have seen all your drama, interviews, film….. Because we want to know you more……8 Y0 E7 N- |' Z7 Z. q- X

$ M: w% J- e' U& F' W+ S
/ F7 W* `- P) I+ o7 T; d9 I7 P) f6 f' u" _5 \
Later ... ...
+ @% e6 w  U5 Q( ^% y  a& z/ }: ~2 b* S6 z
! u) W0 P2 c8 }

% S+ H  Z' m) j; YWe have come here ~ Thailand ~ This is a very crazy things! ~ ~ I think this should be classified as the first of "made in my life have been the most incredible things," I never thought that I came to this country because of this reason, perhaps this way of life, full of impossible ~ ~ ~haha~~*^_^*
: b# M" Q3 U+ t+ \$ {  d' s3 H. M  K7 `1 V
2 G" @9 Q6 v$ ^1 o7 [/ O: v
+ T/ k7 y6 T, T+ @
When we see you, you really have not let us down, You are very polite, very lovely, I hope that time will never stop in that moment, then we can stay with you for a long time~ Because every time you go in a great hurry. ( Maybe God heard my prayers, then we could see you several times again, although because the flight grounded , but I was very pleased, really unexpected, so each time I hope to stop)
$ z9 ^6 ?: Z! |
- M/ W1 s7 R2 V% t
8 B$ d1 V: o% X% {: oIn those days, we have gone through many places, those mountains, that sea, those forests ,those places where you have gone through When you are young. We have taken a photograph in front of your school, imagine you have to learn here. We have come to the seaside which you have shooted, have saw those beautiful scenery which you have saw for ourselves. I began to understand why you are so reluctant to Forest, I really think that you are doing something meaningful . & O- m! q6 ~" s

0 R: @' r+ F: m2 a8 d
! |" I- Y4 X9 l  Z8 O- N" V( l/ }: ]1 J# }+ j
Once you said that a line:Time to keep going, we have to keep going. Yes, time will change a lot. Don’t know if there is a chance to see you. Although it is rarely able to get your message now, but please remember that in the distant places, have been so many people love you, support you, I hope you do a free and happy lives forever.
! F0 y7 \! @. I" G) K
8 j+ C9 m: L" _! G* w4 i1 _" [: t& ]" W& G% z1 W. _" X
PS:umm……I would like to say in the final——If have a chance ,welcome to China,haha


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发表于 2009-4-22 13:01 | 显示全部楼层
[b]haha , What  are you said just I want to say.
% ?: k5 Z2 P) i* {+ d" F" bP'tik, We will support you forever! missing  you
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-22 13:09 | 显示全部楼层
haha , What  are you said just I want to say.; o5 x% y4 P# M. k  |5 W
P'tik, We will support you forever! missing  you
& T7 ?$ D/ Z2 V4 }! A' Mcindywzy 发表于 2009-4-22 13:01

' q. x) r, b2 j9 `) N4 q/ g9 Z2 c# Q' g1 o. ~- [# L2 A- {% \
Yes,Cindy,haha ~~~we love him more than we think~~~~
发表于 2009-4-22 13:48 | 显示全部楼层
I missing you
发表于 2009-4-22 16:35 | 显示全部楼层
pity that he probably never visits our website, you may post it on the navigator site?
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-22 16:46 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lantana 于 2009-4-22 16:47 编辑 ' Q9 g; X. Q# L* X' p4 m5 x
pity that he probably never visits our website, you may post it on the navigator site?
- y9 I$ B& }9 \6 _- L' o2 J# lvichida 发表于 2009-4-22 16:35

3 O5 N5 f# ~( @& R+ m; x" I- x% @3 X9 m( ^
yes!I did~~this is the link : http://www.navigatortiktun.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2586
* q. \- D3 p" F" A
Maybe he will see it……T_T……I hope……
发表于 2009-4-22 17:21 | 显示全部楼层
  Lucky LZ! I am very envious of you!
发表于 2009-4-22 17:52 | 显示全部楼层
hope he will read it!
发表于 2009-4-22 22:32 | 显示全部楼层
TIK, do you know how we miss you? You are always in our minds and we wish you to understand that if we could, we would like to fly to you. But all that we can do now is to wait for your news.
发表于 2009-4-22 23:05 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you, Lantana! Many friends here are excellent in English. That's why we can have many TV series, movies and ads translated into Chinese to let more Chinese people learn about TIK. Hope I can also make contribution to our fans website.
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