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[Attention] 【09.04.15】 We are missing you P'tik

发表于 2009-4-15 09:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 gougou 于 2009-4-17 14:23 编辑 $ ^3 _3 g0 ]9 j# S

4 f/ w7 V3 @( V; c9 P
7 x. d% Y* V$ |- g
& ]" N! {5 z3 p. b/ j9 H- o
   偶然从朋友的电脑上看到你。背景不算美,光秃秃的一棵树,不大的一处水面。你温柔的注视着自己的爱人,微笑着,呢喃着。这样的场景,这温柔的人儿,在哪出现过?# G+ y% g$ r& s/ r$ P7 E: {
   就像你对8月去泰国看你的姐妹们说:“你们爱阿诺泰什么呢?”爱你什么呢?是你温柔的话语、温暖的拥抱、英挺的身姿、忧郁的眼神和你眼中滑落的泪,彻底征服了我们。早就已经见过你,在少女的梦里。你从梦中走出来了。你和我们同在一片骄阳下,和你生活在同一个时代,多么幸福!* i3 l& c* s/ `3 V4 ~
, i! v+ X3 y" _   爱你是幸福的。你的任何消息都能激起我们热烈的讨论,就像被搅动的金色池塘,就像风吹过的树林,每一棵树都摇动着和其他树相互轻抚发出欢快的沙沙声。6 i+ N$ d! ~0 g- ^/ M
   爱你是孤独的,你在繁华处转身投入丛林。你抛下名利,也抛下万千影迷。你知道吗?无论这世界谁主沉浮,我们的眼中只有你。没有你的世界不会有鲜艳的颜色。爱着你就是守着孤独。即便如此,我们坚持,坚持为你开辟新的宣传阵地,坚持翻译你的作品,坚持爱你。只为了爱你,爱集真善美于一身的你。哪怕枪林弹雨也不能阻挡姐妹们去支持你,支持你热爱的祖国的心。" m5 f$ p- a. x2 ^3 `' B' v
      I saw you in my friend’s computer by chance. The background wasn’t beautiful enough. Because there were a bald tree and a small lake. You were peering at your lover with smiling and whisper. Did I have seen the tender lover and the scene before?
  \; b% I+ j2 r, m    When the chinese fans flied to Thailand, you asked them:“Why did you love Anotai ?Why did we love you so much? You left us a deep impression by your tender intonation, your warm embrace, your forceful silhouette, your dumpish eyes, and the tear sliding from your eyes. I have seen you long time ago. You were in my dream when I was a young girl. You walked out from my dream. We lived under the same sky. We are lucky to be coeval with you.5 U3 N" d& H" G: j0 z: Z
    I wanted to know everything about you. I came to your fans club. I know more friends in the club. Everyone of the club were as pureness and talented as you. They wrote poems for you. They painted for you. They created novels for you. They translated you lakorns and films. If you could come to the fans club and you could understand Chinese, you would see a sea of love. You were our common lover.# e$ E  R  K- k: v6 I/ ?
    We are fortunate because we love you. Everything about you can bring us a heated discuss. The fans club is as same as a stirred golden pond. We are like a wood. After a blast of wind, everyone of the wood is susurrating happily.
, O: P( E, @3 V+ Z    We are disconsolate because we love you. You turned about into jungle when you were at the crest of your career. You abandoned fame and gain. You abandoned myriad fans ,too. Did you know we loved none but you whether somebody is more popular now. The world would be blank without you. If we love you unaltered, we would be company with lonely. Even if we would be lonely, we persisted in inaugurating a new position to propagandize you. we persiste in translating you lakorns and films. We persiste in loving you. We are clinging to do everything for you because we loved you. You are so kind and perfect. Even if pelter couldn’t obstruct from our steps of supporting you and your homeland in Thailand.  D: C; j$ t5 S5 C7 G. @$ v
      We are eager to hear your tender intonationWe areeager to see your amiable smile. Please come back soon. We misse you so much, P’tik!
* `4 d% H. j/ B! w$ ~/ u. }谢谢lily_zl指点
发表于 2009-4-15 10:05 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-4-15 10:05 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-4-15 10:06 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-15 10:13 | 显示全部楼层
4 B( I" a: B/ Z& p  U4 L3 t# jWhen tik saw the pain of a bear, he weeped. If he would know our affliction, maybe he will think about it.
发表于 2009-4-15 10:26 | 显示全部楼层
I’m so missing you,my deeply love!
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-15 10:32 | 显示全部楼层
我们的思念会不会为难他?We are hankering after him.will he be puzzled by us?
发表于 2009-4-15 11:23 | 显示全部楼层
翻译的很好哦,才女& y$ P1 D% V% P% |# K5 j
希望P‘Tik能看到你的信1 x6 \( P' r# r. o: ?
回忆真的很痛苦( c. @& H" n- \  m6 @; Q
发表于 2009-4-15 11:27 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-4-15 12:25 | 显示全部楼层
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