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【09.01.16】 Billy Gilman - What's Forever For

发表于 2009-1-16 11:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 陌上草青青 于 2009-1-16 12:49 编辑 * @8 `" S9 X9 T8 e/ S
" q' H# T" D! t$ ], {# q, ]0 e2 i
* K: r# ]1 |# }7 B, _

; \- \1 C; n  e1 J/ _& R$ i# T. }/ J  j5 \9 `# @% P% j: }. X
前一阵子因为考试,不得已,消失了一段不短的时间。。。现在终于得以从书海题山中解脱出来,能够以闲适的心情,送上这首偶喜欢的小帅哥Billy Gilman 的歌曲,与亲们分享,顺带宣告正式归队,呵呵。。。看到影迷会在偶离开的这段时间里蜕变得愈加美丽,亲们也在偶们的大家庭中和谐相处,各得其乐,终于有足够的理由坚信,不论岁月如何磨灭,世事如何变换,偶们的影迷会在新的一年里,也依旧会暖意常在,和乐融融,cause I believe, love can last forever.
5 E: p: q1 Q/ n0 |5 R& @/ s: J, E
+ d: ~+ y; n) X: W2 _6 |7 a" o3 n! W8 v! d/ R
7 k( d2 k7 A# g
Billy Gilman - What's Forever For+ Z# z- \) u5 t
' e1 P9 o* x8 _6 _& }

, Q4 `% f/ F/ z9 p2 V% G+ d
7 w6 V" K$ e0 ?. F0 f6 _8 K7 zI've been looking at people
9 S' `' q' Z$ MAnd how they change with the times: C7 {' ~, R: m' s& W
And lately all I've been seeing are people
/ R0 F8 k7 I$ [8 b% E( p2 z4 p8 P( DThrowing love away and losing their minds& L! p% x, t5 Z) L" }
Or maybe it's me that's gone crazy" B. s) L) |  G4 X
'Cause I can't understand why
' n, \; D8 M8 l; YAll these people keep hurting each other# X0 \: v) F0 W" G  f$ l, `: h& X6 y
When good love is so hard to come by) o" a) n! H1 Z( R/ j/ N
So what's the glory in living
" f" p5 w) K1 K, EDoesn't anybody ever stay together anymore
* J0 G% v+ Z* SAnd if love never lasts forever/ N9 ^; B4 @' |7 Y, i& x
Tell me what's forever for
4 Y! W6 `+ p: g& n" {2 ?7 m
" R0 u0 I- [' P+ ?
I've been listening to people
8 `+ T6 Z& C/ CAnd they say love is the key$ s' t+ z' o7 }3 Q
And it's not my way to let them lead me astray
1 y; J$ c- }" G' S0 t# J! wIt's only that I want to believe
, p+ w. i5 C- v7 N( EBut I see love-hungry people
9 R$ r  N& `& V. B% oTrying their best to survive
: E7 r. T: `9 EWhile in their hands is a dying romance
# M, b' d! L4 u( Y' AAnd they're not even trying to keep it alive4 D8 |, g7 g. }( g5 i9 w; j0 w
So what's the glory in living
. D- f# M7 V: J9 L8 ]Doesn't anybody ever stay together anymore
3 a+ w4 Q0 o5 yAnd if love never lasts forever
# Z; N6 N6 `+ W7 GTell me what's forever for! ?3 r) ^! X; g9 e/ H
And if love never lasts forever
. Y0 A0 v; t" k8 x; w. g+ OTell me what's forever for9 a0 y, V9 k& Q( O
1 D/ S" X' Y. @* j5 t6 J* R, l
发表于 2009-1-17 15:56 | 显示全部楼层
看来我又有沙发坐了~~~. x1 k2 L9 {  @: h7 Q
发表于 2009-1-17 23:08 | 显示全部楼层
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